Wow, I meant to do a 20 week update but never got around to taking a picture. THEN, our computer got a virus and I've been off-line for a couple of weeks. So you get a 23 week update and no picutre. Sorry. I am having to check e-mail and blogs and facebook about once a week when I have access to a computer. Hopefully we'll be up and running again soon....but I'm a little scared to take my computer in and have them tell me the damage. Ha! The break from technology has been nice Although, I look forward to being a little more "in the loop" asap.
Our baby girl is the size of a papaya. (Almost a foot long!) I am definitely looking pregnant these days and not just a little poochy in my tummy. Haha. :) A stranger asked me when I was due last week. I guess that makes looking pregnant official. :) I'm feeling well and am happy to announce that I've been enjoying coffee for over a month now! I was beginning to think I would have an aversion forever. *Relief.* Baby girl is still moving around like crazy....and I mean crazy. All day/night long in fact. My midwife said she was surprised at how strong she was kicking. I can now watch my tummy move around in weird ways while baby girl does flip flops and all kinds of crazy movement inside me. I was not able to see or feel Lucy like this so early. I am in for it! =) I'm already having dreams in the middle of the night of being kicked and poked. Even though I'm "dreaming" I"m positive the kicks are not a dream! They are pretty intense and sometimes even knock the wind out of me a little. I see some serious pain in my future! We're only 23 weeks and I know from experience that kicks just get harder. Wow. Anyway, she can hear sounds outside the womb now and is probably about a pound. We're still trying to decide on a name but have narrowed it down to 2....I think. We definitely have a front runner....but might just decide to look at her when she's born and give her a name then. I kinda like that idea. Kinda. :)
We're staying busy. Hopefully I'll get a chance to update everyone on Lucy soon. Have a wonderful week!
Haddon’s Birth Story
5 years ago
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