
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Coffee Mugs

Let me preface this post with saying that I don't hold on to a lot of things. I am quick to throw away things that clutter my home. I just don't like having a ton of junk around. That being said, there is one thing this doesn't apply to, as you will soon find out. :)
 As I was emptying my dishwasher today I was getting frustrated over the usual lack of space in my coffee cup cupboard (yes, I have a whole cupboard devoted to coffee mugs). Don't judge me. Ha! I have roughly 50 mugs. Crazy, I know. And the 2 years I spent working for Starbucks definitely didn't help the situation. At the rate I'm going we'll have almost 300 coffee mugs when we celebrate our 20th anniversary. I think I'd better slow down! I really need to devote more than one cupboard to my obsession, but can't justify it. I have so little space in my kitchen as it is! So the designated cupboard is overflowing. Mugs are stacked one on top of the other. I pray that they don't all come crashing down on me one day in a horrible mess! So anyway, back to emptying the dishwasher (remember I was frustrated)......but the frustration quickly gave way to wonderful memories. And it is because of these memories that my cupboards will forever overflow with coffee mugs.

You see, for as long as I can remember my family has always had what seemed like millions of mugs. Not just my parents but my grandparents too. I guess I knew I would always be the same. It's in our genes. As a child I remember going to the cupboards in my Granny and Pop's kitchen and looking at all of the coffee mugs that filled them. (I believe they have 3 cupboards devoted to coffee mugs.) Every morning, each person in the house would choose the mug from which they would sip their coffee or tea. Around the table these mugs would sit, each with a story and a memory of the past. Sometimes I would ask where certain mugs came from and other times I knew the stories behind them. There would be one from Disney World back in the 80's, one my mom made when she was little, another from a motorcycle trip or a vacation to the beach. I find myself doing the same thing at my parent's house. I'll open their (2 large) cupboards of mugs and remember friends who gave them or the places where we bought them as souvenirs. I do the same thing here at home. Each morning I look up into my cupboard and decide what I want to remember for a moment. As I choose, I reminisce about sweet memories. Maybe it's silly, but I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm destined to be a hoarder of mugs....and happy to do so. Because I'm also hoarding memories. Memories that I will one day share with my children and grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren. So bring it on the coffee mugs! And bring on the memories too.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This past week Lucy and I took a road trip to visit our extended family in Michigan. It's a 12 hour trip, but Lucy did great. Portable DVD players are a wonderful invention. Lucy was entertained by Finding Nemo, Aladdin, Ice Age, Lilo and Stitch, and Veggie Tales.
Lucy loves her Granny and Pop...and I love them too! We had so much fun relaxing by the lake and spending time with our family. 

Hanging out on Pop's lap. Lucy loves snuggling with Pop! 

We got to spend time with Aunt Trisha, Isabel, Eli, and Great-Great Grandma. We saw a lot of other extended family too! Needless to say, Lucy is the star of the show. :) My young cousins Isabel and Eli love playing with her! Lucy gets a lot of entertainment when they're around....and a really great nap afterward! Lucy loves that Aunt Trisha and Isabel  have long  hair like Mommy. It's so much fun to pull! 

Lucy and Aunt Trisha
Lucy and Eli

We spent a lot of our time sitting out on the gazebo with Granny looking at the lake. Lucy loved it out there, especially the wind chimes. She was mesmerized by their sound! We spent one evening taking a boat ride. Lucy wasn't too thrilled about having to wear a life jacket though. I guess I can't blame her.

One afternoon and went to the Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek. Granny used to take me there when I was little. It was so fun going with Lucy! She loves strolling around looking at new things. We took Lucy on her first train ride. It was also her first time petting a goat. She was a little frightened and let out the typical child's "scared cry." I guess we'll have to get her used to farm animals!

While we were in Michigan Lucy mastered sitting up all by herself! My big girl!

We also introduced her to veggies. Carrots are her favorite. Green beans made her gag. This kiddo loves to eat! You can't shovel it in fast enough. I'm still mastering the art of feeding her without making a huge mess.

That's a overview of our trip. I'm so thankful for such a loving family! We can't wait for Lucy to meet Carey's extended family at Thanksgiving! 
Here we are, 5 generations. We can't wait to see everyone again. Miss you already!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beginning the Adventure

So I've decided to start blogging. This is for our family, far away friends and I suppose anyone else who cares to read of the happenings in our lives. This blog will mostly be about our sweet Lucy--so I've named it after her. She fills each moment of our lives with joy and becoming a mommy is the best thing I've ever done!

A little background......

On May 19th, 2007 I married the love of my life, Carey Wilson.   

We spent the first year and a half of our married life in Greenville, SC. 
Then in October of 2008, God moved us to Overland Park, KS! 
Kansas City is my hometown so I am very happy to be back.
We have a wonderful church family here at Countryside. We have grown in our walks with the Lord so much and we are so thankful for our church. Our friends are like our family and we love being at Countryside!

Then in March of 2009, I found out that we were expecting a baby!
I had an easy pregnancy and we couldn't wait to welcome our little girl into the world!

 On December 7, 2009 
Lucy Noelle Wilson was born!
She was a tiny 6lbs. 2 oz., 19 1/2 inches long.
 I learned a whole new kind of love that day. Sometimes I feel like my heart could burst with love for my sweet baby! Becoming a  mommy is the best thing I've ever done. 

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
---Robert Munsch

Lucy is a happy baby, full of life and energy! 

We love her so much!

My sweet girlie.

Recently, we've been enjoying life, growing through trials, and learning to trust our good God.
We can't wait to see what the next months and years will bring! I'll keep you posted. :)
Stay tuned for more adventures of little Lucy.....