
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby Love

Lucy just turned 11 months.....11 months?! I know every mom probably says this, but it seems like only yesterday we brought this little baby girl home from the hospital. Now we're getting ready to celebrate her birthday! This mommy is a little emotional about her baby turning 1. :) I am thrilled though. Everyday I am amazed and so thankful that God chose to place this precious baby girl in our care. What an incredible privilege and responsibility to nurture this child and teach her to love her God! I pray daily that she will grow to be a young lady who is tender, kind and pure. And most importantly, that Lucy will grow to love the Lord with all of her heart. We have been blessed beyond measure with the gift of Lucy. She fills our life with so much love and joy! I can't wait for all the years to come. :) 
Ok, on to what miss Lucy Lu has been up to recently....
11 months brought Lucy's 3rd tooth! I could tell she was teething because she would wake up in the middle of the night crying and clinging to me. Poor thing. She's usually such a great sleeper so I knew something was going on. Then I noticed the whole left side of her top gum was swollen. Finally, yesterday I felt the sharp little tooth pop through! Yay! (Her top left tooth) But I know it's only the beginning. I can see the rest just waiting to come though. 
Ahh, teething. :) 
Lucy is getting to be quite the mover. I literally have to chase her around. AND, she's great at popping things in her mouth at lightning speeds. I have to constantly watch her. I may think nothing could possibly be left on the ground for her to find....but just leave it to her to prove me wrong all day long. Ha! I think Lucy might, might take a step or two by her 1st birthday. She can stand on her own if she's feeling brave enough. Who knows, should could take off tomorrow. But I think it will be past her b-day before she's a "walker." I am fine with this and in no hurry. She's into enough as it is! :) 
What she might lack in walking she makes up for in brains. This kid is smart. Or maybe I'm just the proud mommy! I love listening to her talk. I usually have no idea what she's saying, but it's definitely something! She is an expert at saying "hi" though. Not shy this child. She will say hi to perfect strangers just for the attention. And she gets it! Ha! She can also say "eye" probably because it's close to "hi." Beware, she will poke your eye (or her eye!) out while she says it. She says "done" and "ya" (yes)---such great grammar I'm teaching her. She has started pointing things out in books too. If you ask her to point to the cow or puppy, for example, she will. She's up to 12 different animal noises and/or actions. She loves animals! She might not know her ABC's by the time she starts preschool, but she'll know all about animals. :) And she loves clapping for herself! This is so funny. She'll do something I normally applaud her for and clap her hands and say "yaaaa!" Hmm, we think we're pretty amazing don't we?  Something I'm sure we'll have to deal with in a couple of years! Anyway, she's saying and doing lots more....but those are the current favorites.
Again, I just love this girl! I'm so thankful to be her mommy! 
Here's a look at the past year with Lucy....




(Ha! I love this picture below.)









1 comment:

  1. Tali she is so adorable and expressive! It's been such a fun year for us too...she sounds like a real sweetie. WHAT A BLESSING little girls are!! :)
