
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pregnancy Update: Week 37

37 Weeks! Full-term. :) And so the waiting begins....
I told myself I wouldn't wait and wonder every day.
I told myself that I wouldn't wish she would come early.
But I think it's hopeless.

As of Saturday my sweet wonderful hubby informed me that I didn't yet have that "you look really pregnant glow, (a.k.a. puffy faced) miserable look" that he claims all pregnant women get right when they're about to pop. Sunday he informed me that I now have that look. Umm, thanks? :)

I had lots of contractions Saturday after a busy few days. They were steady all evening but increased to every 3-4 minutes for about an hour. Yikes! Still only Braxton Hicks but very intense and some painful. I finally decided to rest so they would slow down. They did...but not before a couple of *real* contractions I had to focus through! I remember thinking, "Wow. Those weren't even that bad and I am going to do this naturally. I must be crazy." Haha! Maybe I am. Anyway, going to get some good walking in every day this week to keep my energy up for labor.

I was looking back through pics from the pregnancy and thought it would be fun to post a little progression. It starts at 10 weeks when I thought I already looked huge. Ha. Now I am thinking how ridiculously skinny I looked and if I ever get close to that again I'll be happy as can be! :) Getting so excited for Baby Annie to arrive!

10 weeks.

12 weeks.

16 weeks.

18 weeks.

25 weeks.

27 weeks.

33 weeks.

36 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tali! I don't know if you remember me from society at BJ - Kelly Mooney. Anyway, I know you are thrilled to be welcoming Baby #2 so soon! You look adorable! I hope you are feeling well. I was 4 days late with my first and 6 days late with my second, so I understand how the waiting can be hard! :-/ I hope your labor and delivery go well. Did you have a un-medicated birth with your first?
